The Future of Crime

Today is the first Monday of the new year.  As I think about what this year will bring, I try to find opportunities to challenge my current thinking and assumptions.  I came across a TED video that I thought was interesting as it provides a different perspective on the future of crime.

If you are not familiar with TED, it is an organization that began with a conference in 1984.  TED stands for Technology, Engineering, and Design but is better known by the current moniker of TED.  As they state on their web page about the organization, TED is devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.”  They have put many videos from their conferences up on their website and they are always interesting and inspirational.

The TED video I saw most recently featured Marc Goodman who heads an organization called Future Crimes.  In his video, he talks about the impact the Internet and our continued move towards openness will have on crime in the future.  It is interesting, thought-provoking, and worth a watch.

As always, email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

-Scott Hightower, Verified Security