The Power of Remote Access

Imagine having complete control of your business security at your fingertips, no matter where you are. With advanced apps like Total Connect and Virtual Keypad, you can arm or disarm your system, lock or unlock doors, and view onsite video—all from your smartphone. This level of control ensures that you're always connected to your business, providing peace of mind and enhancing operational efficiency.

Remote access capabilities provide real-time insights that can drive smarter business decisions. Receive instant notifications about employee arrivals and departures, unexpected entries, or changes in environmental conditions. This immediate awareness allows you to respond quickly to any situation, improving both security and operational effectiveness.

For businesses with multiple locations, remote access is a game-changer. Manage security for all your properties from a single app, ensuring consistent security practices across your organization while saving time and resources.

These systems also enhance emergency response capabilities. In case of an alarm, monitoring centers are automatically alerted, ensuring rapid response from emergency services if needed. You'll be notified immediately, allowing you to assess the situation and provide additional information to responders.

As your business grows and evolves, so do these remote access solutions. Regular updates and integrations with other smart devices ensure that your security system remains cutting-edge and adaptable to your changing needs. If you have questions about how our remote access security solutions can benefit your business, please do not hesitate to contact us at

-Scott Hightower, Verified Security